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Qoutes in database: 693
Showing quotes from 30 to 130
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"I thought if I owned the bullet with my name on it, Id never get hit by it..." Baldrick Bronx
"Weve been sitting here since Christmas 1914, during which millions of men have died, & weve advanced no further than an asthmatic ant with some heavy shopping." Blackadder Bronx
""It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded humanity." " Albert Einstein Chiquita
"HELLO HELLO" Shagi_Fighter Shagi_Fighter
"Dont you hate it when your out walking around in the graveyard, your bathed in a magical light, and your wondering what it is-- until you realise your drunk, its a flashlight and your pointing it the wrong way?" Me Politely Disturbed
"haha sheuny only girl there...that had to be a pain in the ass lol" Teapot Shagi_Fighter
""Ill Be Back"" Terminator -gbotto600-
"Im looking for John Connor" T-1000 -gbotto600-
"madsociety is gone for good, deleted by its creator during a drunken rage" pdykstra (from admin forum) -gbotto600-
"A thousand mile journey begins with the first step." Lao-Tsze Bronx
"I lov... youre cool Steve." Mason SirLardsAlot
"No I have never done anything like that you peepee head." RPazdzierski600 SirLardsAlot
"I run it off of my penis. Feels good, specially when u go to ebay or amazon." Ben McHugh pdykstra600
"He knows nothing about music. He plays bass, and likes the counting crows. I should kill him." Ben McHugh pdykstra600
""fuck off u dutch cunt"" ifyourwondering -gbotto600-
"maybe a kick in the face would make u shut the fuck up. OH YEAH IT WOULDNT COZ YOU TALK OUT OF YER ARSE. SILLY ME!"" ifyourwondering -gbotto600-
"without him the forum is as good as closed" redeemer (talking about gbotto600) -gbotto600-
"Arkan: More corrupt than Uganda Regime!" ifyourwondering -gbotto600-
"redeemer (this is not a flame!)" title of topic in ADMINs forum -gbotto600-
"NO FLAMING!" warning in the ADMINs forum! -gbotto600-
"Widespread cheating in Elections " Un-named source in admin forum -gbotto600-
"we can just declear a Fascist Goverment and enforce the rules with our own brutal efficency and put our own people in power, like the great and heroic Mussolini did years before..." one of gbotto600s "suggestions" on how to run the forum -gbotto600-
"there seems to be a a lot of secret dimplomacy going on." un-named admin in admin forum -gbotto600-
"ray (rsoroka) i have changed my mind, i no longer want you to be mod of general, becasue i will be mod of it..... " dkumral, changing his words just to give himself power -gbotto600-
"i want elections and punishment/policing(banning, warning. etc...) " gbotto600, in a topic about "admin job allocation" -gbotto600-
"now go on, i think your super model girlfriend is calling, she needs you to drive her to the space shuttle in your Aston Martin DB6" gbotto600, replying to a post by UKNemesis -gbotto600-
"i thought you were gone because your speed yacht was taken over by terrorists and you fought them off, killed Osama Bin Laden and saved the world from Communism! wow!!" gbotto600, replying to a post by UKNemesis -gbotto600-
"paul(pd) accidentally deleted his account !" gbotto600, in the ADMINs forum -gbotto600-
""double agent"" term used widely in the ADMINs forum -gbotto600-
"James (the barber) may be right, i just seem to spell too well, to be him. Maybe if i huff some paint thinner i can be more like him" Eurowarrior(a fake one) -gbotto600-
"no one cares about what you think, so just fuck off and eat pies" redeemer to big_fat_pie_eater -gbotto600-
"The reason why had such a complicated set of aliases was that no matter how many times he gave his online "character" a fresh start, he fucked it up and his hateable personality shown thru time and time again. " arkan explaining "Hellsatan/Eurowarrior/VenoM" and countless other names of the same person -gbotto600-
"ok, this board is going nuts, we have jesus, god, satan, bruce lee and now a homosexual reincarnation of adolf hitler....." gbotto600 -gbotto600-
"I remember thinking, "Jesus, what a horrible thing to lay on someone with a head full of acid."" Hunter S. Thompson Tang_Quester
"Once in a life times events only come around once or twice in your life." Archie Bunker (from All In The Family) SirLardsAlot
"door #2 plzthx omghi2u lolz l8r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mirai SirLardsAlot
"I should be shot" Shagi_Fighter Mirai
"You are an extremely weird and stupid person, you really, really are." Bronx Shagi_Fighter
"I also tried to eat the bread by putting it in my ear." 2-D SirLardsAlot
"I looked in the mirror, and it scared me. I thought there was someone there." SirLardsAlot Mirai
"Ohh the internet is on computers now!" Homer Simpson BottoBabe
"Women are a lot like parking lots, the best ones are always taken, and the rest are handicapped." My Brother osamabinfarrell
"I think drugs are great in moderation.. I do smoke marijuana habitually, but I also do coke 2-3 times a week esctacy 4-5 times a month and herion 5-6 times a year. " another hard to believe post by Ray Soroka ReDeeMeR
"Wow time-travelling Jewish Gangsters, sounds cool..." 2-D SirLardsAlot
"oh god why do u have to follow me around on the net." Botto in a convo on aim with redeemer -ReDeeMeR
"The Internet is so big, so powerful and so pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life." Andrew Brown Arkan
"DENTIST - A prestidigitator who, putting metal into your mouth, pulls coins out of your pocket." Definition From The Devils Dictionary Arkan
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian." Dennis Wholey Mighty
"Life may have no meaning. Or even worse, it may have a meaning of which I disapprove. " Unknown Mighty
"God must love stupid people, He made so many of them" Unknown Mighty
"Love is a feeling that will rip the soul apart, envy only men who have never known such love" from the film: Elizabeth DeathKnight
"LAWYER - One skilled in circumvention of the law. " Definition From The Devils Dictionary Arkan
"LOVE - A temporary insanity curable by marriage or by removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder. " Definition From The Devils Dictionary Arkan
"There goes a magic bus!" Taimur Arkan
"Life is unfair; kill yourself or get over it." Black Box Record (band) Arkan
"do i need a bird? " 2-d (forum member) Arkan
"Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning" George W Bush Arkan
"There seemed to be a lot of polls today so I thought Id make one too." Mighty Cranium Arkan
"I think we agree, the past is over." George W Bush Arkan
"Watch your thoughts, for they could become your words. Choose your words, for they be come actions. Understand your actions, for they become your habits. Study your habits for they become your character. Develop your character for it becomes you destiny." Dali Lama Bronx
"1. Out of clutter, find simplicity. 2. From discard, find harmony. 3. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." Einstein’s three rules of work. Bronx
"Life is what happens to you while your busy making other plans. " John Lennon Bronx
"When making your choice in life, do not neglect to live." Samuel Johnson Bronx
"When the world goes mad, one must accept madness as sanity, since sanity is, in the last analysis, nothing but the madness on which the whole world happens to agree." George Bernard Shaw Bronx
"Boy, the French are about as good at building cars as they are at battling Nazis!" Duck_fat Unknown
"You must concentrate upon and consecrate yourself wholly to each day, as though a fire were raging in your hair." Deshimaru Bronx
"Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached." Simone Weil Bronx
"Any weapon can kill a man, Only a woman can kill his soul" Me DeathKnight
"Be master of mind rather than mastered by mind." Zen saying Bronx
"To ask the hard question is simple." W.H. Auden Bronx
"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country. " Mayor Marion Barry, Washington, DC. Meth
"The one good thing about repeating your mistakes is that you know when to cringe. " Source could not be identified Arkan
"When I die, I want to die like my grandmother who died peacefully in her sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in her car. " Unknown Mighty
"HA-HA" Nelson 2-D
"God made man with one brain and a dick, and only enough blood to work one at a time." Robin Williams Shagi_Fighter
"if there is grass on the field play ball" some child molester Duck_fat
"HARBOR - A place where ships taking shelter from storms are exposed to the fury of the customs. " The Devils Dictionary Arkan
"FRIENDLESS - Having no favors to bestow. Destitute of fortune. Addicted to utterance of truth and common sense. FRIENDSHIP - A ship big enough to carry two in fair weather, but only one in foul. " The Devils Dictionary Arkan
"FUNERAL - A pageant whereby we attest our respect for the dead by enriching the undertaker, and strengthen our grief by an expenditure that deepens our groans and doubles our tears. " The Devils Dictionary Arkan
"POLITENESS - The most acceptable hypocrisy. " The Devils Dictionary Arkan
"The trouble with being punctual is that nobodys there to appreciate it. " Franklin P. Jones Arkan
"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. " Mahatma Gandhi Arkan
"Heaven is where the police are British, the cooks are French, the mechanics German, the lovers Italian and its all organised by the Swiss. Hell is where the chefs are British, the mechanics French, the lovers Swiss, the police German and its all organised by the Italians. " Unknown Arkan
"All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific. " Jane Wagner Arkan
"Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same " Oscar Wilde Arkan
"I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants. " A. Whitney Brown Arkan
"Experience is that marvellous thing that enables you recognise a mistake when you make it again. " F. P. Jones Arkan
"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. " Douglas Adams Arkan
"The government solution to a problem is usually as bad as the problem. " Milton Friedman Arkan
"Ninety eight percent of the adults in this country are decent, hardworking, honest Americans. Its the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then, we elected them " Lily Tomlin Arkan
"Everyone is kneaded out of the same dough but not baked in the same oven" Yiddish Proverb Arkan
"He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened." Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching Arkan
"We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love on another. " Jonathan Swift Arkan
"To be a Leader of Men you Cannot be above the Men, but of the Men...." Shagi_Hamiro Shagi_Hamiro
"I will surely miss the little fellow and pray for him every night to make sure that he makes it to heaven" James the Barber Mighty
"It is me but I couldnt remember how to spell murpherfeller" Europia Mighty
"If youre lucky you might be able to engage in a bit of intellectual intercourse with yours truly." King Burrito Mighty
"If you dont laugh at anything there then youre a really misrable, depressed twat" 2D Mighty
"we collectivly have ruined the lives of so many people by flaming em to the underground" Arkan Mighty
"And I think everyone who sees this should bow down before the Magnificant Mighty Cranium and worship me as the GOD I am " MC Mighty

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